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This training is the VATSTAR equivalent of the FAA Private Pilot License but simplified for the flight simulator environment. This is what the FAA Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge says about the Private Pilot Certificate:
A private pilot is one who flies for pleasure or personal business without accepting compensation for flying except in some very limited, specific circumstances. The Private Pilot Certificate is the certificate held by the majority of active pilots. It allows command of any aircraft (subject to appropriate ratings) for any noncommercial purpose and gives almost unlimited authority to fly under VFR. Passengers may be carried and flight in furtherance of a business is permitted; however, a private pilot may not be compensated in any way for services as a pilot, although passengers can pay a pro rata share of flight expenses, such as fuel or rental costs.
VATSTAR is using real-world material freely provided by FAA and referenced throughout the lessons.
Ground School Videos with supplemental material for the VATSTAR PPL certification lessons.
This ratings is the VATSTAR equivalent of the FAA Instrument Rating (IR) but simplified for the flight simulator environment. This is what the FAA Instrument Flying Handbook says about the Instrument Rating:
A private or commercial pilot must have an instrument rating and meet the appropriate currency requirements if that pilot operates an aircraft using an instrument flight rules (IFR) flight plan in conditions less than the minimums prescribed for visual flight rules (VFR), or in any flight in Class A airspace.
VATSTAR is using real-world material freely provided by FAA and referenced throughout the lessons.
This ratings is the VATSTAR equivalent of the FAA Multi Engine Rating (CMEL) but simplified for the flight simulator environment. This is what the FAA Airplane Flying Handbook says about the Multi Engine Rating:
There are several unique characteristics of multiengine airplanes that make them worthy of a separate class rating. Knowledge of these factors and proficient flight skills are a key to safe flight in these airplanes.
VATSTAR is using real-world material freely provided by FAA and referenced throughout the lessons.
This ratings is the VATSTAR equivalent of the FAA Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL) but simplified for the flight simulator environment.
Due to the requirement of failing an engine after liftoff/V2, the aircraft used must either have custom failures available (when using P3D or MSFS2020), use an add-on module or the failure must be set using X-Plane's built-in feature that can trigger failures at a certain speed. Therefore, only a few aircraft are able to meet the checkride requirements.
VATSTAR is using real-world material freely provided by FAA and referenced throughout the lessons.