Gain the skills associated with managing instruments appropriate for an IFR flight.
This is the required reading for this lesson. Numbers in [brackets] indicate the starting and ending page in the referenced reading material. Read all the pages and sections referenced.
Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge
Instrument Flying Handbook
Chapter 5 - Flight Instruments
[5-1 to 5-28] "Introduction" to "Primary Flight Display (PFD)"
Chapter 9 - Navigation Systems
[9-25 to 9-32] "Global Positioning System (GPS)"
Chapter 11 - Emergency Operations
[11-3 to 11-9] "Aircraft System Malfunctions" to "Communication/Navigation System Malfunction"
The notes below highlight the important parts in the referenced material. Reading the notes without having read the actual referenced material is generally not sufficient to pass the written exam!
PHAK - Chapter 14
4 codes, 0 to 7 (4,096 total)
7500 - Hijack (must not be used!)
7600 - Radio Failure
7700 - Emergency
IFH - Chapter 5
Pitot/Static Systems and Instruments
Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI)
Dynamic Pressure Type Systems and Instruments
Magnetic Instruments
Gyroscopic Systems and Instruments
Attitude Indicator (AI)
Heading Indicator
Turn Indicator
IFH - Chapter 9
GPS Substitution
GPS Instrument Approaches
IFH - Chapter 11
Identify failures
Analog Instrument Failure
Warning Indicator
Inconsistence between attitude indicator and supporting performance instruments
Pneumatic System Failure
Indicated by vacuum/pressure gauge
Pitot/Static System Failure
Use alternate static source, if installed
Sim Pilot Notes
These notes highlight the differences between simulator and real-world flying. These differences are most often due to simulator limitations or specific VATSIM rules.
PHAK - Chapter 14
VATSIM ATC clients simulate limited transponder functionality:
Altitude (Mode C)
All aircraft on VATSIM have an installed transponder in the pilot client and must squawk mode C on taxiways and in the air - unless otherwise advised by ATC
Common VATSIM squawk codes
1200 - VFR
2000 - IFR with ATC but without radar coverage (Oceanic)
2200 - IFR without ATC
IFH - Chapter 9
When using the "Direct to" function in the default FSX/P3D GPS, the pre-programmed route is erased. This GPS should therefore not be used as the primary navigation instrument for IFR flights
The GPS waypoint database needs to be kept updated
3rd-party GPS add-ons often require proprietary database updates and can therefore be hard to keep current
IFH - Chapter 11
Most add-on planes in the simulator will properly indicate a blocked pitot tube
Additional failures can be turned on in most add-on sim aircraft
Tomas Hansson (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Chief Flight Instructor, VATSTAR
DISCLAIMER: all information contained herein is for flight simulation purposes only.
March 2021