Gain the skills associated with flight solely by reference to instruments with one engine inoperative.
This is the required reading for this lesson. Numbers in [brackets] indicate the starting and ending page in the referenced reading material. Read all the pages and sections referenced.
Instrument Flying Handbook
Chapter 6 - Airplane Attitude Instrument Flying
[6-1 to 6-14] "Using Analog Instruments", or
[6-15 to 6-28] "Using an Electronic Flight Display"
Chapter 7 - Airplane Basic Flight Maneuvers
[7-1 to 7-32] "Using Analog Instruments", or
[7-33 to 7-61] "Using an Electronic Flight Display"
Airplane Flying Handbook
The notes below highlight the important parts in the referenced material. Reading the notes without having read the actual referenced material is generally not sufficient to pass the written exam!
These notes are mostly applicable to analog instruments. Students using an Electronic Flight Display (aka glass cockpit) should refer to the alternate reading material listed above.
IFH - Chapter 6
Control Instruments
Attitude Indicator
Turn coordinator
Power Instruments
Performance Instruments
Airspeed Indicator (ASI)
Altitude Indicator
Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI)
Navigation Instruments
Instrument Cross-Check (Scanning)
Cross-checking is mandatory in instrument flying
Selected Radial Cross-Check
80 to 90 percent of flight time spent looking at the attitude indicator
Only quick glances at the five instruments surrounding the attitude indicator
Inverted-V Cross-Check
Scan from the attitude indicator down to the turn coordinator
Up to the attitude indicator
Down to the VSI
Back up to the attitude indicator
Rectangular Cross-Check
Scans across the top three instruments (airspeed indicator, attitude indicator, and altimeter)
Drops down to scan the bottom three instruments (VSI, heading indicator, and turn instrument)
IFH - Chapter 7
Pitch control
Attitude Indicator - Direct Indication
Altimeter - Indirect Indication
As a rule of thumb, for errors of less than 100 feet, use a half bar attitude width correction
For errors in excess of 100 feet, use an initial full bar attitude width correction
Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI) - Indirect Indication
A deviation of more than 200 fpm from the desired rate of return is considered overcontrolling
Airspeed Indicator (ASI) - Indirect Indication
Constant Airspeed - Constant Pitch
Increased Airspeed - Decreased Pitch
Decreased Airspeed - Increased Pitch
Bank Control
Attitude Indicator
Heading Indicator
Turn Coordinator
Turn-and-Slip Indicator (Needle and Ball)
Standard rate turn
Complete 360 degree circle in 2 minutes (3 degrees per second)
Indicated on the turn coordinator when airplane wings align with the lines
Rule of thumb - Bank angle should be 15% of true airspeed
Unusual Attitudes and Recoveries
Nose-High Attitudes - Airspeed Decreasing
Increase Power
Apply forward elevator pressure
Correct bank attitude
Nose-Low Attitudes - Airspeed Increasing
Reduce Power
Correct bank attitude
Raise the nose
AFH - Chapter 12
In a multiengine airplane with an inoperative engine, the centered ball is no longer the indicator of zero sideslip due to asymmetrical thrust.
There are two different control inputs that can be used to counteract the asymmetrical thrust of a failed engine:
Yaw from the rudder
The horizontal component of lift that results from bank with the ailerons.
When available make sure to use trim to reduce the need to apply rudder
In OEI flight at low altitudes and airspeeds such as the initial climb after takeoff, pilots must operate the airplane so as to guard against the three major accident factors:
Loss of directional control
Loss of performance
Loss of flying speed
Tomas Hansson (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Chief Flight Instructor, VATSTAR
DISCLAIMER: all information contained herein is for flight simulation purposes only.
March 2021