This is a self-graded test, we do not have instructors you can book or grade your flight. If you need help you can ask in our Discord.
To watch a video going over the checkride check out this video by Kris:
Departure and arrival airport: Portland International (KPDX)
Approaches: RNAV(GPS) Y LNAV RWY 10L
Weather: 400 feet ceiling, 3000 feet tops, 2 SM visibility
V2 Engine Failure
Due to the requirement of failing an engine after liftoff/V2, the aircraft used must either have custom failures available (when using P3D or MSFS2020), use an add-on module or the failure must be set using X-Plane's built-in feature that can trigger failures at a certain speed.
Pilot Rating Aircraft Requirements
Aircraft allowed to be used for this pilot rating must be:
Fixed wing and Retractable gear
Turboprop OR Turbojet driven
Max Gross weight more than 5670kg (12,500lbs)
There are three possible outcomes of each listed task: (1) Pass (satisfactory), (2) Fail (unsatisfactory), or (3) Discontinuance.
One or more failed (or incomplete) tasks automatically result in a failed (or discontinued) checkride. To avoid having to retake the entire practical test, a student has 90 days from the date of a first Dismissal Notice or Discontinuance to pass the practical test. A retake should focus on the tasks that were marked as failed or incomplete during the original test however the evaluator has the discretion to re-evaluate any tasks. If the student fails the second checkride, he/she must contact the VATSTAR CFI to determine how to proceed with subsequent testing.
Aircraft limitations
Vmc - Red Line
Vyse - Blue Line
Primary flight controls
Basic electrical systems
Power Plant and Propeller Basic Operations
Landing Gear
Pitot-static system, vacuum system, and associated flight instruments
Avionics (Comm, NAV, Transponder)
Deicing and anti-icing
Fuel, Air, Hydraulics for model of aircraft being used
Operation of FMS (if capable)
Engine Starting
Full use of checklists
External checks
Start from aircraft normal state (cold & dark or short turnaround)
Program FMS/GPS and set up AP
Understanding ATC instructions
Runway incursion avoidance
Low Visibility Take-off and Climb
Make radio calls
Verify runway, wind
Rotate and climb-out at Vyse +10/-5 knots or V2 +10/-5 knots (or FMS speeds)
Departure Procedure
Comply with all applicable chartered procedures
Fly as per DP or execute left turn hdg 360 if on PTLD2
Engage AP
Steep Turns
Must be hand flown
Two 360 degree turns in opposite directions
Maintain altitude ±100 feet, airspeed ±10 knots 45° bank ±5°
Roll out on initial heading ±10°
Non-precision Approach
Engage and program AP
Set up RNAV equipment for RNAV(GPS) Y LNAV RWY 10L
Comply with clearances and restrictions
Program MDA and VREF
Within published tolerances
1/2-scale needle deviation
airspeed ±10 knots
Turn off AP and transition to visual approach before MDA
Go-around/Rejected Landing
Execute missed approach for RNAV(GPS) Y LNAV RWY 10L as published
Engage AP
Transition to departure and climb-out at Vyse +10/-5 knots or V2 +10/-5 knots (or FMS speeds)
Hold over BTG as published on RNAV(GPS) Y LNAV RWY 10L Missed Approach Procedure
AP is allowed
Use FMS hold feature if available
Correct airspeed, altitude and headings
Comply with ATC reporting requirements
Precision approach
Program FMS/AP for ILS RWY 10L
Select, tune and identify radio equipment
Comply with clearances and restrictions
Use of checklist
Disconnect AP when runway in sight
Within published tolerances
1/2-scale needle deviation, vertical or lateral
Airspeed ±10 knots
Normal Approach and Landing
Proper use of checklist
Proper calls
Runway selection and confirmation
Touchdown speed, attitude and location
Crosswind correction – actual or simulated
Brakes applied properly
Engine Failure After Liftoff/V2
Set aircraft or sim to trigger engine failure at either V yse or V2
Establish Vyse or V2 (or FMS speeds)
Maintain heading ±20° and airspeed ±10 knots.
If using turboprop aircraft secure inoperative engine
Flight by Reference to Instruments
Must be hand flown
One engine remains failed
Use of land-based or airborne nav system
After takeoff, fly towards BTG VOR
Without using autopilot and using only instruments maintain:
Airspeed ±10 knots
Heading ±15°
Altitude ±50 feet
Maintain straight and level flight for 5 minutes at 3,500 feet
Engage autopilot
Instrument Approach and Landing with an Inoperative Engine
One engine remains failed
Select, tune and identify radio equipment
Program FMS/AP
Use of checklist
Disconnect AP when runway in sight
Within published tolerances
1/2-scale needle deviation, vertical or lateral
Airspeed ±10 knots
Postflight Procedures
Taxi to parking
Securing aircraft back to dark & cold
Tomas Hansson (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Chief Flight Instructor, VATSTAR
DISCLAIMER: all information contained herein is for flight simulation purposes only.
September 2020